Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Current Reading

One would think with all my American Idol hoopla that I do nothing more than sit around and watch TV.

I actually do more than just that. I mean, sometimes I even do laundry.

All joking aside, I am always reading. Though, the last two books I've read haven't been YA, which is what I mostly read since that's what I write. But if I'm not reading YA, I'm usually reading a book to better craft my writing. In fact, I just finished reading Between the lines: Master the Subtle Elements of Fiction Writing by Jessica Page Morrell. It might just be me and my ever-needing-to-expand vocabulary, but while reading this book, I seriously needed a dictionary—as embarrassing as that is to admit. I'm currently reading Novelists Essential Guide to Crafting Scenes by Raymond Obstfeld. I'm enjoying this book. No dictionary needed. And by the titles of those two books, I should be a master in no time.

For novelist writers, my favorite books have been The Marshall Plan for Getting Your Novel Published: 90 Strategies and Techniques for Selling Your Fiction by John Wayne...just kidding, by Evan Marshall. And Writing the Breakout Novel by Donald Maass. Those are the first two books I read when I started writing my novel. They offer so much great information and are fabulous, dahling. Fabulous!

By the way, did I mention American Idol is on tonight? I'm so excited.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Major Close Call!

Stefanie and Chris R. were in the bottom two last night on American Idol. What's up with that?

I was wondering, though. If I had to quit watching because one of my favorites was voted off, and well, let's face it, sooner or later they will be, would I really stop watching?

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Oh! Happy Day!

PHEW! I can still watch American Idol. But I was a little shocked to see Brandon go home over Sanjaya.

Okay, new topic: Let's say you are a writer. What would be better than selling one story?

Answer: Selling two stories. And what would be even better than that?

Selling them both in the same day!

Uh-huh. Yeah, that really happened. That, of course, doesn't happen to me all the time. Okay, honestly, that's the first time that's ever happened to me. So, let me just say, I'm glad I was home alone so that no one heard me getting all excited and saying, "I can't believe it!" almost a hundred times. Well, maybe my neighbors heard me. I don't think the whole neighborhood heard me, though. But if I sold three in one day, I guarantee they would.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Let's Celebrate!

Okay, this seriously calls for a celebration. Are you ready for this? I had to be out—yes, again—during American Idol. But, and this is a big but, I actually recorded it. My VCR and I are getting along again. I'll keep my little friend and cherish the fact that I don't have to upgrade to new technology, since the old is working for me just fine. Well...now, that is.

So, there I am last night watching it after the fact because it was recorded, and I'm ranting at the judges, tirading my own critiques, and bellowing my advice. Then I stop. I look at my husband, who is so politely sitting beside me enduring all of it, and I say, "You know what's funny? I sit here and get all worked up as if my opinion even really matters."

I couldn't stop laughing at myself. Apparently my husband did not have any troubles not laughing. It seems he didn't find it quite as humorous.

Let's hope my friend (VCR) wants to be friendly again tonight, because I have to be out again during the elimination, which better not be Melinda, Lakisha, Blake, or Chris Richardson. Or I will seriously quit watching the show.

Yeah, right. That's like me saying I'll never eat Taco Bueno again. Totally impossible!

Thursday, March 8, 2007

What is going on?

I cannot believe it! I am so mad. No, I'm not just mad. I'm M-A-D!

My little secret predictions for the final twelve on American Idol were, well, not right. Antonella, yes, absolutely, I saw that one coming, as well as Jared. But, come on. Sundance? And Sabrina? No!

I cannot miss any more episodes. Especially now that I see what happens when I do. That's it! I've got to find my manual to my ancient-aged VCR and learn how to record. Or either eliminate any and all social activities on American Idol night.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Eight Guys Left

Ugh! I seriously need to get a DVR. Except, I don't know how that will work since apparently I cannot even work a VCR. Here's what happened.

Tonight, I went walking with my neighbor and her really huge, I mean, really huge dog. Walking is good, right. Well, no, not when you walk during American Idol. But I thought ahead. Thanked God for technology, hit record on the VCR, laced up my shoes, and left. Good, right? Wrong. For some reason, it didn't record. This isn't the first time I've had troubles recording, though. I usually find a good way to screw it up. I mean, seriously, how hard is it? My grandma can work a VCR.

But I was able to catch enough of American Idol to see that sadly the guys didn't do so hot tonight. That surprised me because last week they gave me goosebumps. I have some predictions on who's going to make it through. My favorites are Blake and both Chris Richardson and Chris Sligh. I like Brandon and Sundance too. But Brandon has done much better than he did tonight.

I cannot wait until tomorrow night to watch the girls perform. Let's hope I either walk before 7pm or learn how to work my VCR.
