Saturday, January 10, 2009

Tip from an editor...

During the SCBWI writer's conference in Temecula, California, editor Nancy Conescu said that finding an editor is a matter of matchmaking. Since you don't marry the first guy you meet, it's likely that your book won't sell to the first editor who reads it. (Paraphrased of course)

This hit home with me. Actually, once I put it in my thinking pot and let it simmer for a few minutes to thicken, I thought, "No, it's not like finding a husband. It's like finding a pair of jeans!" Because for me, jeans are the hardest fit to find. It could take me months of going to different stores and trying on different brands and sizes. Ugh! It's worse than a root canal! Wait. I actually haven't had one of those. Ummm. Okay, it's worse than....

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