One Disaster After Another
Not much has been going on around here, except for chemical plants blowing up and stuff like that. Um, yeah, that's right. I'm talking major explosions, as in multiple.
But the weird thing is I had no idea anything happened until way after the fact—it's okay, I've always been a late bloomer. When I'm in my office writing, I am so oblivious to the world around me. It's like I get in this funk of concentration, escaping into my mind, where half of the world could break off and I wouldn't even notice.
Thankfully, no one was hurt in the explosion, er, I mean, explosions.
And if one disaster wasn't enough, I almost came face to face with another.
See, I had been taking a hiatus from Criminal Minds—excellent show, if you haven't checked it out yet—and then, they had to go and run a two-part series of the show after the Super Bowl. So, of course I watched it and then had to wait until Wednesday to find out how it ended. All was fine and dandy until I saw that it would be airing at the same time as American Idol. How could the networks do this to me? Don't they know I am a technological laggard, so behind the times, who still records with a VCR, which is hooked up in such a bizarre way it will not allow me to watch a different channel than the channel I'm recording? Talk about frantic chaos. I know, I know. I really need to upgrade to a DVR.
Just when I was eeny-meeny-miney-moeing which show to give up, I thought "duh" I'll just watch the TV in the other room. I knew there was a really good reason why we had three TVs for the two of us.
Talk about a close call.
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