Wait! Where did June go?
Okay, did I seriously let June escape without blogging even once? Good grief! My brain is on summer vacation.
Have time for a story? Of course, right?
So, I'm sitting in the library today reading some teen magazines—which a) probably looks peculiar to the average passerby who sees a completely grown woman reading them; and b) might be a bit freakish if I didn't so happen to write for that age group—and I pick up the last mag in my stack. I graze over the cover. Hmm. Not bad. I note the date of the issue. I thumb through the pages since I'm looking for a particular type of fiction. I flip past a a huge title displayed across two pages. "What a cool layout," I think. But something about that title stops my page turning. (Perhaps my summer vacationing brain decided to become useful for at least 30 seconds.) I'm looking at the title when it hits me. I wrote a piece with that title. And then, I glance up at the author's info. Oh, yeah. Duh! That is my piece. How funny that I didn't even remember when it was coming out. I'm so glad I was sitting there today looking like a total weirdo reading YA magazines.
"Addicted to Doubt" is in the July 2007 issue of Brio. It's a really good story by the way. Besides, I know the author and she's way cool! ;)